Page name: yu yu hakusho contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-07-07 21:11:11
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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welcome to the

Yu Yu Hakusho Contest!

Contest closed! Vote in <poll:24479>

Voting is over!
The winner is [Ramirez]!

1.No copying, must be your own work
2.No nudity
3.None of that "Kurama and Hiei are lovers" stuff >.<
4.No begging, advertising, or making people/friends vore for you, it's not fair
5.Remember to put a line ([*hr*] without *'s), your name, and a number

For questions, contact [Raiko Fire]

A badge for contestants

Deadline undecided

Just add your entry under here! ^^

<img:> This is Kurama my fav, small but one of my best. [Bunny of The Moon~]

<img:> My second entry its Yukina![Bunny of The Moon~]

3. [mburk] I may put a new pic up soon

4.[fox thief of hearts]

5. [Kuramasgirl] yes I know it isn't very good, but it was the only one I had!

7.[Ramirez] um..yeah its..Hiei..o.O

8. ([Blue Knight]) Young Genki

9. [tk08] a little younger n more innocent looking hiei...

10. [SapphireDragon] my pic of Hiei *hug* done on paint^^ enjoy!!

11. [FlamingPheonix]

12. [hotarukat]
Hiei is consumed by the black flames.


Username (or number or email):


2004-04-17 [Raiko Fire]: Kuwabara sucks! XP and I just remembered that Bara means Rose o.0

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: I hate kuwabara

2004-04-18 [Lady Alaina]: Nope. And I wish I could draw Hiei but I con't ahve a very good picture of him. I have one,but it's not a good one...

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: o0

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: wha-?

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: ???

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: ???????

2004-04-18 [Lady Alaina]: -_-; It's hard to see anything on the's on a card...

2004-04-18 [hotarukat]: *stupid comment thingies* >.<

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: and Hiei's cute ^^

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: ???

2004-04-18 [hotarukat]: yeah, he is!

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: u said that

2004-04-18 [hotarukat]: i hit the back button and it put my comment twice

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: Hiei and Kurama are cute ^^x

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: yaes they are

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: without a doubt

2004-04-18 [hotarukat]: anyway, they are the cooler characters... cooler pasts and personalities etc

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: a conversation suddenly popped up o.0

2004-04-18 [Lady Alaina]: Yes! Hiei is cute...I have to go pratice my flute now and I wont be on till late tomorrow afternoon. Bye!

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-18 [Ramirez]: Kuwabara's awesome. Where would Yu Yu Hakuho be without the stupid and hallarious tall red-head?

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: good point.

2004-04-18 [Ramirez]: I know, I'm a genius.

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: uh-huh...riiight

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: ...

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: -.-

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: God hates me

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: He does not.

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: ...

2004-04-18 [Ramirez]: God hates me too. Actully there is no God so you know. *Shrugs*

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: ooh, there is...athiest n.n...he's just putting me through difficult trials at the moment

2004-04-18 [Ramirez]: *raises his arm to protess but quickly lowers it and nurses his paintball welted fingers* Meh...*sniffles and limps off*

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: I care...n.n

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: ...

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: ............*annoyed*..........

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: howdy

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: .....*glares*...

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: what did I do?

2004-04-18 [yuki undefined]: meh...*walks off*....

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: what?

2004-04-18 [Ramirez]: *whistles the star wars theme song*

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: everybody around here is acting weird today

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: -.- *Twilight Zone theme*

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: n.n

2004-04-18 [Ramirez]: o.o;;

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: -.-

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: doo doo doodoo o.0

2004-04-18 [Kuramasgirl]: 0.0 *singing*

2004-04-18 [Lady Alaina]: When are we goona decide the winner!?

2004-04-18 [Lady Alaina]: When are we gonna decide the winner!?

2004-04-18 [Raiko Fire]: when there are enough contestants XP

2004-04-18 [YokoTsuta]: woot

2004-04-19 [Ramirez]: o.o

2004-04-19 [Black Whispers]: who wha?

2004-04-19 [Ramirez]: I own a pair of socks. They're lovely socks may I add.

2004-04-19 [Black Whispers]: wonderful

2004-04-19 [Ramirez]: Isnt it?

2004-04-19 [YokoTsuta]: yep ^^

2004-04-20 [Raiko Fire]: I have pink candy-cane toe-socks o.0; ¬¬ I ish special and very muchly so (or so [Nyka] says n.n)

2004-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: Cool.

2004-04-20 [Raiko Fire]: I wore one once...during tacky day at school o.0

2004-04-20 [YokoTsuta]: ><

2004-04-20 [Raiko Fire]: oh, the horrors o.0 (yeah, yeah, I know I say it weird, Katie -.-;)

2004-04-20 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: Wha-!?!?

2004-04-20 [YokoTsuta]: she says it like something else

2004-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: Ok...

2004-04-20 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ you gotta hear it.

2004-04-20 [Raiko Fire]: I say it like har-er o.0 incase I accidently say it wrong ¬¬

2004-04-20 [YokoTsuta]: XP

2004-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: Oh,ok.

2004-04-20 [Raiko Fire]: what did YOU think I say? o.0 my aunt (who's 11! ><) says whore o0;

2004-04-20 [YokoTsuta]: o0

2004-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: You have an 11-year old aunt!?!?

2004-04-20 [Raiko Fire]: yesh ¬¬; my uncle's 15 and my other uncle is 36 (all in the same family, too)

2004-04-20 [Lady Alaina]: Geez...

2004-04-21 [Raiko Fire]: my mom's 39 on Friday

2004-04-21 [Lady Alaina]: WHOA!

2004-04-21 [Raiko Fire]: what?! OO

2004-04-21 [Lady Alaina]: 39? How old are you!?

2004-04-21 [Raiko Fire]: 14 o.0 why?

2004-04-21 [Lady Alaina]: Ok. That's...NVM...I'm 13 and my mom's 35.

2004-04-21 [Raiko Fire]: *shrug* my friend's mom is in her 40s and my aunt's (11) mom (my nana n.n) is fifty...two, I think

2004-04-21 [Lady Alaina]: Ok.

2004-04-21 [Raiko Fire]: WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?! OO;

2004-04-21 [YokoTsuta]: my mom is turning 50 this year! o0

2004-04-22 [Raiko Fire]: 0.o;;;

2004-04-22 [Lady Alaina]: Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez...O.O;;;;;;;

2004-04-22 [YokoTsuta]:'s creepy cuz ow she has an AARP membeship too.

2004-04-22 [Lady Alaina]: A what?

2004-04-23 [YokoTsuta]: AARP, political group that tries to help old geezers get medicare, insurance, etc.

2004-04-23 [Raiko Fire]: Aged Ancestors = Really Poor ^^x

2004-04-23 [YokoTsuta]: yup ^^

2004-04-23 [Raiko Fire]: I couldn't really think of anything for the A's, so they're kind cheesey 0o;

2004-04-23 [YokoTsuta]: ???

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: ????I"M VERY CONFOOSED!!

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: Can I enter a demon form of someone?

2004-04-25 [Kuramasgirl]: ....ask rei......but I doubt's for Yu Yu Hakusho........oh well, don't listen to me, just ask rei....

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-04-25 [Kuramasgirl]: .....^^U....

2004-04-25 [Raiko Fire]: if it's a demon form of a Yu Yu Hakusho character..

2004-04-25 [Raiko Fire]: if it's a demon form of a Yu Yu Hakusho character...

2004-04-26 [Kuramasgirl]: such as Yoko Kurama! *stares at giant picture of Yoko Kurama*......

2004-04-26 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-26 [Raiko Fire]: Hey Katie, remember those bookmarks I had made? I had them blow one up so it's a poster o.o *drools* btw, M.C., you want a YYH bookmark? ^^

2004-04-26 [YokoTsuta]: OO;;; oooooohh....

2004-04-26 [Raiko Fire]: mine! *guards*

2004-04-26 [YokoTsuta]: I still get all the guys from eerie Queerie. ^^ especially Hasunuma. ^^

2004-04-26 [Raiko Fire]: uuum...the definant gay..>.>

2004-04-26 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-26 [YokoTsuta]: actually, he's bi

2004-04-26 [Raiko Fire]: OO;

2004-04-26 [YokoTsuta]: ^________________^

2004-05-02 [Kuramasgirl]: YAY!!! I wan't a YYH bookmark!!!^________^, thanks!

2004-05-02 [Raiko Fire]: all bow down to my chibi Hiei! <img:> \m/><\m/

2004-05-02 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ \m/

2004-05-08 [Kaimee]: i added the link to here in the contests section at the anime guild, hope thats ok?

2004-05-08 [Raiko Fire]: yeah, we're not getting much publicity v.v

2004-05-08 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-05-15 [Kuramasgirl]: ^_^

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-05-16 [Raiko Fire]: why is everyone smiling? o.0

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: zap!

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: ....o.0...

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ *touches the electric thingy* zap! whee!

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: interesting.........*touches it too* zap!


2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ fun fun fun! *puts her hand on it*

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: okayee..

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: if you put your whole hand on it it makes your fingers twitch

2004-05-16 [Raiko Fire]: yes whole hand was twitching for a while o.0

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: *twitch*

2004-05-16 [Raiko Fire]: woot

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: exactly what is this thing?

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: you know like those little prank things that shock you? it's kinda like those.

2004-05-16 [Raiko Fire]: it's fun ^^x

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: extremely

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: ooohhhhh ahhhhhhhhh

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: lol

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: Fun Fun Fun!

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: totally!

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: lol

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: sooooo...

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: *touches your arm* *finger zaps you* zap! *runs away*

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: owww!

2004-05-16 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-05-20 [Kuramasgirl]: grrrrrrrrrr.....

2004-05-20 [YokoTsuta]: lol

2004-05-20 [Raiko Fire]: * makes yoko touch one shocky thing, touches the other one, and grabs M.C.'s arm* zap her! ^^ *nods towards MC*

2004-05-20 [YokoTsuta]: *pokes MC in the arm*

2004-05-22 [Kuramasgirl]: OWWWWW!!!! DAMMET KATIE!!!!!!!*starts cussing loudly*

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: bw-ha! ^^

2004-05-22 [Kuramasgirl]: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....*slinks off into a dark corner*...

2004-05-23 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-05-23 [Kuramasgirl]: -_-

2004-05-24 [Raiko Fire]: oO M.C.;s been hanging around us too much... she NEVER cussed before O_o and I think if she did in front of her mom, she'd be grounded ^^

2004-05-24 [Raiko Fire]: I accidently ALMOST said the 'f' word in front of mom. I asked why she wouldn't hook up the web cam and she said because I'd be posing nude for Japanese pervs! O.O;;;; *twitch* and I said "WHAT THE F.....>.> fricken' heck do you mean?! ><"

2004-05-24 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ bw-ha! I don't f***ing cuss!

2004-05-25 [Kuramasgirl]: well, I would be grounded if I cussed too much, but other than that, I do cuss in front of her sometimes.............although not the f word.....................................and actually, I got the cussing from my mother, who actually curses alot when company isn't there *grin*....

2004-05-25 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ my dad cussed out a preacher.

2004-05-25 [yuki undefined]: ahhahh f*ck! f*ck it all ya know..pff...f*ck..

2004-05-25 [YokoTsuta]: ?

2004-05-25 [Kuramasgirl]: 0o I didn't understand that.....except for the f**k part..........

2004-05-25 [YokoTsuta]: me neither...

2004-06-08 [kira_dark priestess]: c ing all these drawings makes me wish i could draw

2004-06-10 [Raiko Fire]: I really need to end this contest >.> I will once I finish a few other badges...

2004-06-10 [yuki undefined]: ..................

2004-06-10 [Bunny of The Moon~]: what happened to the links on # 3 and 4?

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: no idea, but I remember them

2004-06-13 [Kuramasgirl]: I don't know why I even entered --;;;;;....mine's gotta be the worst e.e

2004-06-13 [Ramirez]: o.o.........mines pretty bad too, mark my words.

2004-06-13 [Kuramasgirl]: mines worse --U, that was my first anime, so don't go to hard on me --

2004-06-13 [Raiko Fire]: XP that's for EflTownians to decide

2004-06-14 [Kuramasgirl]:'s my own opinion...of course they say that the artist is never happy *grin*

2004-07-03 [*~Fiona~*]: thes are really good

2004-07-03 [yuki undefined]: no they suck. I'm kidding, they are really good

2004-07-03 [Angel]: mmm i might be mistake but...isn't the second pic (Yukina) by [Bunny of The Moon~] the same pic as the pic in the last few pages of the Manga number 19 'Forever Fornever'?

2004-07-03 [Raiko Fire]: um... I dunno o.O she used another image as a reference for her first one

2004-07-07 [Ramirez]: o.o......

2004-07-07 [Raiko Fire]: hi o.0

2004-07-07 [Ramirez]: O.o Greetings.

2004-07-08 [Bunny of The Moon~]: Wow! way to go Alex!! Congrats^^

2004-07-08 [Ramirez]: Are you kidding me? I shouldn't of won o.O People are crazy, and may I add I won by one point --;;

2004-07-08 [Ramirez]: Are you kidding me? I shouldn't of won o.O People are crazy, and may I add I won by one vote --;;

2004-07-08 [Raiko Fire]: *whacks Alex* stop being modest =.=

2004-07-08 [Ramirez]: I'm being truthful -.-

2004-07-08 [Raiko Fire]: fine, fine... n.n

2004-07-08 [Ramirez]: O.o

2004-07-23 [Cat0132]: [Bunny of The Moon~] thats a good drawing of kurama, where did u get the pose?

2004-07-31 [Kiristo]: i found a website with a pic of kurama in that same pose. and it looks exactly like the pic up there.

2004-07-31 [Cat0132]: o it looks like a drawing by my friend, so i wondered if u got it fro the same picture ^_^ guess so then...

2004-07-31 [Kiristo]: i'm not sure where he got it from, but the pic of his and the pic on the web site look so a copy or something.....

2004-07-31 [Cat0132]: im sure u guys used the same orginal picture!

2004-07-31 [Kiristo]: yeeeeaaaaahhhhh

2005-05-18 [Kiristo]: Please Visit Yu Yu Hakusho RPG

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